Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A Good (OOP) Practicum Report

It is an honor for me to be one of the OOP/object oriented programming practicum assistant – works at 10:00 am - beside my friend who works at 13:00 pm in the same day.
My great gratitude belongs to my friends – the third year student of electrical engineering and information technology bachelor – my partners in OOP practicum, for all of your efforts and striving to carry this practicum out.
Especially for my friends who are on the third year, I understand the hard strive you undergo to finish that report. It needs a lot of work and time, doesn't it? I felt the same when I made mine, too. Well, I have read some of your first practicum report. My apology, without any means to ignore your hard work, I must say that you really have to make your report better. Don't misunderstand – I found that your work is worth appreciating but there are still more improvements and changes required. This is actually essential when you later do your final task to finish your degree.
To the point, actually I'm not an expert in writing a report or any writing yet, but please note some points that you must follow in writing your report, especially OOP practicum report.
A good OOP practicum report
  • Is an explanation of what you did in practicum, from the objectives, source code, to conclusion.
  • Is written in Bahasa Indonesia with correct grammar (use passive sentence, no equal conjunction as the first part of the sentence, no sentence without subject, etc). You have learned about this in high school, haven't you?
  • Is not a list of steps describing what you have done in practicum only without any proper explanation.
  • Is not a product of Ctrl+A Ctrl+C Ctrl+V feature of your word processor implemented on someone's work. Without any means of distrusting anyone, please mention the reference clearly and cite with a proper format when you cite other 's work. My apology for not telling this before.
  • Consists of Introduction (objective and a little background theory), Analysis, Assignment answers, Conclusion, (the structure as we have told you before), plus Reference. My apology for not telling this before. The first report is condonable.
  • 's conclusion must be in a harmony with the objectives. Please note, a conclusion is not a general fact, however, it is a summary of the result of your practicum
Take some examples
  1. You wrote on your report
    Tujuan : Praktikan diharapkan mampu untuk
      1. Membuat program C#
      2. Meng-compile blah blah and so on
    Your conclusioin is
    Kesimpulan Pada melalui command prompt pada Visual Studio .NET Command Prompt kita dapat menjalankan atau mengeksekusi program. Blah blah and so on
    If Visual studio has a Bahasa Indoensia debugger, it will throw a System.GrammaticalException when debugging your report. Moreover, it doesn't sound in harmony with the objectives. So, instead of writing that way, do this way
    Tujuan : Praktikan diharapkan mampu untuk
    1. Membuat program C#
    2. Meng-compile dan menjalankan blah blah blah
    3. Menggunakan Visual Studio Debugger
    4. Menambahkan Exception Handling ke program C#
    1. Program-program pada latihan ini berhasil dibuat dan dieksekusi.
    2. Proses compile berhasil dilaksanakan baik melalui Visual Studio IDE (percobaan pertama, ketiga dan keempat) dan Command Prompt (percobaan kedua).
    3. Pemanfaatan debugger berhasil untuk mengamati nilai suatu variabel saat dieksekusi pada percobaan ketiga.
    4. Pada percobaan keempat error pembagian dengan nol berhasil ditangani dengan try catch statement. Exception yang tertangkap yaitu DivideByZeroException.
  2. You wrote this way on your report
    Pertanyaan blah blah . . .
    1. Apakah fungsi static void main dalam sebuah program blah blah blah... ? Static sebagai pernyataan bahwa metode tersebut berdiri sendiri (mandiri), dan bersifat tetap serta tidak berubah-ubah selama eksekusi program blah blah blah...
    Out of the blue, one of your friend wrote this way Pertanyaan blah blah . . .
    1. Apakah fungsi static void main dalam sebuah program blah blah blah... ? Static sebagai pernyataan bahwa metode tersebut berdiri sendiri (mandiri), dan bersifat tetap serta tidak berubah-ubah selama eksekusi program blah blah blah... No one has identical fingerprint in this world. However, some students in electrical engineering have strong emotional and psychic relation which makes their work can be almost exactly identical. What an amazing phenomenon. Once again, please mention the reference for the purpose of indicating your work's originality.
  • Do not give any code explanation using comments in the source code. Make it in paragraph format.
  • The term Class, Method is not only specific for Console application.
  • Static doesn't mean static in the real semantic, but it means that the member is possessed by the class. You may see that later.
  • “Untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan tersebut maka harus dilakukan penambahan exception handling blah blah”, this is too practical. You can get better score by explaining what is the essence of exception handling and how it can solve the divide by zero problem on the program execution. Please show the essence of the code.
  • You wrote “Aplikasi yang akan dibuat terdiri dari dua jenis yaitu aplikasi berbasis Console dan aplikasi berbasis Windows”. Hang on dude, we didn't build any Windows app in Unit 1.
  • Try to practice on how to use a word processor. There are still some “bugs” like non-capital letter in the beginning of a sentence.
In conclusion, I have read some of your report. Some of you make a good job (but still need improvements) but some others need more improvements. These mistakes are forgivable for your first report. However I will offer a chance to re-make your report for the next units if there is a report below standard. Please make a better report in the next units.

Thank you very much.


  1. Amazing...your writing is so long but you could write it well..overall it's very good and it has been right...if there is a mistake that I couldn't find,I hope my friend below me could finds and corrects it for you...thanks :)

  2. nice post nung, wait for my post soon :)
